Studio ALTA - Invalidovna west (various places)
10. 7. 2021
Studio ALTA - Invalidovna west (various places)


”I am not afraid of dying. I am afraid of being lonely for the rest of my life.”

CIRCUS LONELINESS is a performative installation that takes loneliness seriously and reflects on it as it is – a condition that does not require quick solutions, but empathetic attention.

CIRCUS LONELINESS grabs hold of the taboo and of the people behind the impersonal statistics on loneliness and makes them tangible and alive, by offering you, the audience, a sensual space filled with the concealed and neglected loneliness of daily life.

Loneliness is a condition that comes in many different shapes, and that few people can avoid during a lifetime. Loneliness knows no limits; it can creep up amid a crowd, while sitting alone in the living room or take everyone hostage through “lock down”.

CIRCUS LONELINESS is a fairground consisting of different attractions and installations amongst which you can (The audience) move sometimes freely, sometimes directed. The fairground is unique and sight specific to Invalidovna (Studio Alta), and created through the meeting between the local performers and the Nordic creators perception of loneliness.

CIRCUS LONELINESS is a co-creation project between the Danish company dadadans and the International Theatre Festival Zero Point.

dadadans has been working since 2015 with the issue of loneliness and its impact on the individual and society.

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The performance entry is free and will run from 6 p.m. till 9 p.m. The audience is free to enter, leave and come back again.


Concept: Helle Bach and Siggi Óli Pàlmason

Choreography/ staging: Helle Bach

Scenography/ setdesign: Siggi Óli Pàlmason

Sound design: Emil Sebastian Bøll

Danish performer: Bodil Lassen

Local performers: Lukas Blaha, Jazmína Piktorová, Aude Stulírová Martin, Ekaterina Plechkova, Tomáš Janypka, Natálie Vacková